Titus 2 Bible Study (Week 2)

Weekly recap of our Bible Study through Francie Taylors book, “Teachers of Good Things”

Y’all, this week has been so good! This study has already been such a blessing to me! I hope you’re loving it just as much as I am! I’ve felt refreshed every single day! And, I feel like i’m getting something to work on everyday without feeling overwhelmed! I don’t want to re-teach the entire chapter on being sober, but I do want to hit the highlights.

Do you feel like you have a better understanding of what it means to be sober? Do you want to be a wise Christian? Would you describe yourself as wise when it comes to the things of the Lord? Are you striving for that mastery?

I felt so convicted on the first day! My daughters are my first duty. They are the Christian women of tomorrow and I have a direct effect on how they will live out their Christian life. I have all these little eyeballs watching my every move. That can be intimidating! But, more than that, I need to be concerned with teaching them what the Word of God says. How in the world can I teach them about godly Christian womanhood if I don’t even know what the Bible says about it? Short answer… I can’t!

My biggest prayer this week has been for the Lord to give me a fervent hunger for His word. To crave it everyday. So that when questions arise or teaching moments come, I am prepared.

This quote by Matthew Henry stuck out to me on page 4. “Many have the Word of Christ dwelling in them, but it dwells in them poorly.” Colossians 3:16 says “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly”. How do you think that’s accomplished? By daily Bible study! That’s how! Not just aimlessly reading random passages. But, by daily, intentional study of the Word.

Put down all the other distractions and make His word your number one priority! Maybe you need to set a rule for yourself. Maybe you need to say that you are not going to open any type of social media until your daily Bible reading is done. Or maybe you need to pick a Bible reading plan and stick to it. Whatever your hinderance is, get rid of it and start becoming wise in the things of God.

One thing that will really help you take a step in the right direction, is realizing the effect your friends can have on your spiritual growth. Are your friendships encouraging you to bloom or are they blocking out your daily dose of vitamin C that you so desperately need to grow? Maybe that’s an area you need to pray for clarity in. Proverbs 27:17 says “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”

I also started something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I started a topical reference journal this week. Although I don’t have a lot of entries, I have started. And I believe that if I fill it slowly, one day it will be very useful to me and maybe even my kiddos! It has actually become a fun little doodle journaling project, too. I’m not an artist, but I do like to pretend. I really encourage you to start your own topical reference journal and fill it at your own pace. Sound counsel can only come from the Word of God. It’s not a bad idea to have some scripture ready and easily accessible for when those trials come.

I’ll leave you with Mrs. Taylor’s final thoughts at the end of Chapter 1. “So remember- Bible first, books later. Build up your soundness of mind in an orderly fashion. Accept no substitutes and take no shortcuts.”

So ladies, lets make the Bible a priority and let us dig deeper into the Word than we ever have before.

Get ready, this week it’s all about our duty as a wife. …”to love their own husbands,”

If you have no idea what I’m talking about and would like more information on this Bible study, click HERE to read my post.

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