My Vision

So, you’ve made it here. Now what?

Well. I hope you’ll find this site relatable and encouraging. Right now you’re right in the thick of it… Whether your season is motherhood, some sort of waiting period/a holding pattern, a trial, contentment, or a new call on your life, I think we can all learn from each others seasons.

This blog was created by me! Quortney! To be a real life example of what real, unfiltered, imperfect, life looks like. In todays fast paced, social media absorbed culture, it’s easy to play the comparison game. Be warned! You will never come out a winner when you play that game. I want you to realize something, our idea of “perfect” changes all the time. Today, perfect to me looks something like remembering to tell the kids to brush their teeth, getting through the school day before 11am, getting my smallest nugget down for at least 2 naps, feeding the kids something edible for lunch, cleaning the house just enough to not merit an uninhabitable rating by the time Hubby gets home, and having a plan for supper. Last year, my idea of a perfect normal day looked completely different. And, I’m 100% positive that in another year, it will have changed again.

Just like this earth has seasons, so does our life. Some seasons are longer. Some seasons seem easier. Some seasons are our favorites and we enjoy some more than others.

My vision for this blog is to share my season. My day to day, constantly evolving, real life, beautiful, messy, perfectly imperfect, season. I want to encourage you. Convict you. And, help you realize that God has given you the tools to succeed in your season. I most certainly don’t have all the answers! But, I know where we can find them! 😉