Rearranging for a Fresh Start

How many times have you ever rearranged an entire room in your house? Maybe an entire room didn’t need it, maybe you just fixed a small section? We had company coming for a few days and I turned the baby nursery into a little suite for two. And when I was done, I looked around and thought man, I like this rearrangement.

That got me to thinking. There are times when our Spiritual life needs some rearranging, too. Maybe we let our Spiritual walk slip, and we need to rearrange a few things to get our priorities back in line.

I’m here today to tell you that this isn’t something that only happens to you. It has happened to me quite a few times. But, one of God’s traits is that He is long suffering. He gives us the time to get ourselves back together and on the right track, again. So, if you find yourself in this season of life, don’t be so hard on yourself! Lets get you back on the right track.


“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

First off, lets rearrange your time so that you have a chance to meet with God daily. A time where it is just you and Him. No distractions! This is the key to making it all fit together. If we have the actual words, chosen by God, written down, that were able to tell us what’s right, how to get it right, and how to keep it right, we would be fools not to read it as often as possible. Don’t you agree?

Of course, the best time to do this is in the morning before you ever start your day. But, I understand that this is not always the best time. At one point in my life, I had this time on my lunch break. I took lunch alone, and had our entire break room to myself. There was another time, when my youngest was a newborn and I wasn’t getting much sleep anyway, and I would stay up at night after everyone had gone to bed to have my devotional time. Now I find that if I wake up before the rest of the clan, I am able to have my reading and devotional time to myself. And I have also find that writing works best for me in the morning.

The key is that you need to find a time in your day that works best for you. I know someone that choses to open her Bible app and do her reading and devotions before she ever gets out of bed in the morning. The point is what you’ve always done, may not be working anymore. If you find that you aren’t getting to your devotional time at all, maybe you need to rearrange, and choose a different time of day.

As our season of life changes, we have to rearrange things to better fit our lifestyles. When the seasons change, don’t you have to reevaluate your shoe selection? It doesn’t make sense to have all of your sandals out and your boots put away in the winter time. The same is true here. When your season of life changes, you have to reevaluate what works best for you, what you actually need.

Maybe your season of life has changed and you forgot to put this little block of time into your schedule. Just be sure that personal reading and devotional time is a part of your everyday! Plan your day around it!


Second, it’s a good idea to rearrange a little corner in your home that’s just yours. If you’re lucky, it could even be an entire room. But, if you’re like me, a corner in your bedroom could work just as well! The point is, you need somewhere in your house that you can go daily that everyone knows is your space. Your time. The place mama goes to do her devotions. Its not a bad idea even, to teach your children that when they see mama in “her place”, they shouldn’t bother you. This little place in your home just gives you and God a place to meet. A little sanctuary. A place that’s just for the two of you. A sacred place where you can get real with God. It might even  be as simple as a chair at your dining table or your side of the bed. Just pick a place. I’ve found that the more specific you are with the time of day and the location, the more prone you are to find yourself there consistently.


Last, but certainly not least, maybe we need to rearrange our attitude! Our way of thinking. Our whole mindset. Our whole outlook on our life. I’ve found a few key things that tend to have the ability to sway my attitude.

“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” Proverbs 13:20

A major impact on my attitude comes from my friends. The people I surround myself with the most. Be careful. Limit your time around people that you notice may negatively affect you.

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Proverbs 17:22

Laughing! Is there anything that can make you smile faster than hearing a good ole, unrestrained, convulsive, all in, laugh? If just hearing someone else laugh can put a simple smile on your face, imagine the effect the laugh has on the one who is actually laughing.

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8

You can help your attitude out tremendously just by trying to think about positive things. It would do us all some good to have this verse written on our hands, committed to memory, and recited daily. 

Hopefully, if you’re in need of some rearranging, I’ve given you a few places to get started. We’ve all got our own problems. These are just a few areas I tend to need to rearrange most often. What better time for a fresh start, than the new year!