Is your ATTITUDE worth catching?

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”  Proverbs 17:22

Your house may be worthy of imitating. Your fashion sense may be magazine worthy. Your posts on social media may paint a beautiful picture. But, only using your attitude, are you having a positive effect on the people that cross your path… Like a good medicine. Or are you drying up their bones?

With great power comes great responsibility! I know you’ve heard that said many times before. Have you ever thought that it applied to you? Yes, you! Mom! Wife! Friend! Daughter! Sister! Church member! Boss! You!

As moms, we often set the tone in our homes. Our mood, directly affects that of our husband and children. We need to be careful with this power. We need to be sure that we are setting the right tone. A loving tone!

But, also in any type of relationship you have, you have the ability to set the mood. To sway the scene. To effect the rest of someones day. Yup, still talking to you! No need for you to look around…

Do you realize that when you walk into a room, your attitude comes with you. The smile from ear to ear, the furrowed brow, the arms reaching out to give hugs, the arms folded across your chest, the hand reaching out to shake another, or the hands on your hips… No matter who you are, what your title is, how old you are, or what you look like!


Your bubbly personality or your bah humbug mentality. It affects other people!

Feeling that conviction yet? I know I am!

Below is a prayer that would be good to pray every morning. Ask God to help guide what you say and how you think. But, especially when you aren’t feeling like the best version of yourself. Maybe you need it when you get in that middle of the day funk… Or when the kids are swinging from the last nerve left for the entire day and it’s only 9am… Give yourself some grace, but don’t wallow in your bad mood! I promise, if you lift up this prayer, God will hear it, and help you.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14