Pullin’ Weeds, Plantin’ Seeds Bible Study

Hey guys! I’m so glad you’re interested in joining the next Bible study going on over on my Instagram page. It starts on February 1st, 2021. I’m so excited to get started on this one. I know it’s going to be a good one. In this blog post, I’ll be breaking down the structure of the study and getting you familiar with how it works.

From the back cover

Pillin’ weeds and plantin’ seeds. Its a process any gardener knows well and is necessary for faithfulness. In our Christian lives, it represents the continual process of spiritual growth. Those pesky weeds represent the sin in our life, threatening to grow rapidly out of control and choke out any hope we have of bearing spiritual fruit. In this study, we will identify and attack the sin that creeps into our lives and turn our focus to planting seeds of faith in our own lives and in the lives of others.

The Structure

The structure of this Bible study will be much like the last few we have done. It will be done entirely through my Instagram account. At the bottom of this post, along with a link to purchase the book, you’ll find our Zoom call calendar. The calendar for your reading assignments for this study, can actually be found in the back of your book. And I’ll be posting it to my IG account, too.

We will be reading material in our book and the Bible, Monday through Friday. I’ll story and post about our reading assignments throughout the week. Saturday and Sunday we won’t have any assignments. Feel free to catch up if you need to before we start the next week.

Zoom Calls

All of our zoom calls are on the calendar at the end of this post. The day before one is scheduled, I’ll remind you. And if you want the link to that call, send me a DM.

I look forward to the zoom calls every week. I highly recommend trying to accommodate your schedule. They are such a blessing and you don’t want to just omit them. The zoom calls aren’t lecture style. I’m just there to steer the conversation. Everyone gets to talk and it’s just a great time where us ladies get to discuss what we learned that week and how God is changing our hearts.


If you have any questions about the information in this blog post, leave them in the comment section below. That way, if someone has the same question, they can find the answer. 

You can download your calendars here

Click HERE to purchase the “Pullin’ Weeds, Plantin’ Seeds” Book