My top 9 Christian books for women
I’ve been asked the same question a few times in the last few weeks. So, I decided since I can’t do the fancy “swipe up” thing on Instagram, I should write a blog post. There is so much out there under the heading of “Christian”.
Unless you spend hours searching, you can’t possibly just point to a book with the Christian label and guarantee its going to be a good Biblical one. So, I went to my own book shelf and pulled out my top 9 favorite books for you ladies. The ones I go back to time and time again and the ones I have found solid Christian counsel in.
I’ve thought about this post for hours and I am not able to just choose one favorite book. Every single one of them are great in their own right. So here goes my top favorite books in no particular order!

Mom/ Homeschool
Moms, this is a great book! It is most definitely a Biblical guide for Christian parents. It starts out telling you how to get right so that you can model the very behavior you expect from your children. It will set your feet on fire and give you a steady direction to blaze toward. It is an old book, so you’ll probably have to get a used copy! (This book uses KJV scripture.)
This is a great book for homeschool moms. As moms, we want to be perfect, in everything. Even our homeschool routine. In this book Sarah shows you how to slow down and remember what’s important and why you chose to homeschool in the first place. Although we do not share the same doctrine, her approach to homeschool is refreshing and I learned a great deal from her. (Not KJV.)
Wife/ Women
Have you ever read the “job description” of Godly Christian Womanhood found in Titus 2? Well, this book is an in depth study of Titus 2:3-5. Francie Taylor breaks down each section of the verse into a comprehensive Bible study. She also teaches you how to bring it to life inside the walls of your own home. (KJV)
If you have never been exposed to this book, let me start by saying this is a very controversial book. A lot of people have a lot of problems with it. I, on the other hand, find her mater of fact writing style, refreshing. In the first part of her book, Debi Pearl gives you some very practical advice straight from the Bible. In the second half, she breaks down Titus 2. Although many may argue with her approach, you can’t argue with the Bible, which is where she got her principals. (KJV)
Bible Study
This is the book I did a giveaway for when my blog launched. And I recommend it on almost a daily basis. It’s great for a daily devotional that goes along with reading a Proverb a day. Francie Taylor cautions you to Ponder the path and not blaze your own trail. She chooses a verse from that day of your proverbs reading and gives a short 2-3 page devotional to go along with it. It’a a great book for all ages. (KJV)
This Bible study is made for a group setting. But, if you get the leader guide, like I did, you can go through it on your own. In this study, she pulls out seven people from the Old Testament and uses their lives as a case study. I love studying the Bible and this study helps you look deeper into the lives of people from the Bible. (KJV)
Just like the previous book, this book picks seven people from the New Testament and uses their lives as a case study. We can see these peoples lives from beginning to end and learn valuable lessons that can be applied to our own lives. (KJV)
This book starts off with practical suggestions on making Bible reading a part of your daily routine. It has a Bible reading schedule inside, as well as a prayer journal section. The majority of the book is a journaling section where you can add the date, the scripture passage you read, and your thoughts. It also has KJV scripture at the bottom of each journaling page. It’s a great journal for those of you looking for something KJV.
Mamas, this is a must have! At a ladies conference one year at our church, the speaker recommended this book and it has been an asset to my parenting for sure. This is the holy grail of topical references for parents. It lists every single sin and the scripture to back it up. If you need a quick way to look up a topic before talking to your children, this is what you want. I can not say enough great things about this. (KJV)
I hope you’ll find something in this list that interests you. In the comments, I’d love to hear your thoughts on these books. Which ones have you read? Which do you recommend? Are there any others that I should look into adding? I love to read! And love adding to my ever growing collection of scriptural encouragement.
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for reading! 😉
Love it. I’ve got two of them time to expand to more. I’ve been looking for some good biblical kjv parent teaching. Thanks Quortney
You’re welcome! The one by David Sorenson is really good for parents!
I love this and thank you so much! Me and my wife have been waiting for this list of the best Christian books for women and now it’s definitely time to go on a trip to the local bookstore! We already have our favorites from Keion Henderson, and surely this will add more flavor to our reading!